Wednesday 15 May 2019


                                   (Click the above for recipe video)
 This fruit salsa is a delightful creation. It has a burst of juices. I call it “Vitamin C Fruit Salad”. Because it contains fruits rich in Vitamin C. I have used only three fruits for this salad. You can add more of your choice. I am adding a summer essential or summer saver ingredient “Chia Seeds”. These seeds are high in fibre. It is also an excellent antioxidant.
I have also used Mint, another summer essential. It makes a salad very refreshing. And the sweet tangy dressing makes it a fantastic dish.
Check out the ingredients and make this refreshing, delightful, juicy and delicious Fruit Salsa.

¼ cup diced strawberry
¼ cup diced kiwi
¼ cup diced oranges
For Salad Dressing-
1 Tbsp Chia
2 Tbsp chopped Mint
1 Tbsp Honey
2 Tbsp Orange juice
1 Tbsp Lime Juice
¼ Tsp Black Pepper Powder

1.    In a bowl add the fruits.
2.    Soak chia seeds with enough water for 10 minutes. It takes around 10 minutes for chia to get swelled.
3.  For dressing-
Mix honey, orange juice, lime juice, mint, black pepper and swelled chia.
Mix everything well. The dressing should get mixed properly.
4.    Pour the dressing over the salad. Toss it.
5.    Refrigerate the salad for 30 minutes
6.    Serve the salad chilled and enjoy!

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