Friday 15 February 2019

Berry Jam

This homemade jam tastes like you wouldn’t believe! For this Berry Preserve I am using farm fresh Strawberries and Raspberries. This is by far the easiest recipe. The jam turns out soft, spreadable and delicious. We are not using any synthetic preservatives or pectin neither any food color for this Jam. You can store it for almost 1 year. For better taste I recommend using Organic Berries.

You can even gift this Fruity Ruby Red colored Jam jar or simply enjoy spread on toast. 

Prep Time- 10 minutes

Cooking Time- 20 minutes

Makes- 500g Jam 


125g (1 cup) Strawberry

125g (1 cup Raspberry)

[You can adjust the quantity of berries according to your taste. Example- 200g strawberry and 100g raspberry]

250g Sugar

2 Tbsp Lemon juice

[To add little flavor you can add 1 tsp vanilla]


1.    Wipe the berries using a damp kitchen towel.

2.    Chop the berries.

3.    Heat a saucepan. Add chopped berries to it.

4.    Cook it on a low flame. Within few minutes the berries starts getting soft. Keep stirring it with a ladle or spatula.

5.    Now add in the sugar. Keep stirring the mix till the sugar gets dissolved completely.

6.    Once the sugar gets dissolved remove it from the flame.

7.    Sieve the berry pulp. (this helps to extract the seeds of raspberries)

8.    Now again boil the sieved berry pulp for another 5 minutes on low flame. Remember to keep stirring continuously.

9.    Once the pulp starts bubbling check whether the jam has reached to the setting point. Take little jam on the spatula, make a line with your finger; if the jam doesn’t flood to fill the gap, it is ready. If not, the heat back on and boil for 2 minutes more.

10.                      Now remove it from the flame and allow it cool for 10-15 minutes.

11.                      Meanwhile, sterilize the jars. I prefer using the jars which has wax disc on the lid as it prevents mildew forming.

12.                      Now pour in the jam, allow it set for at least 4 hours.

13.                      Once the jam sets, cover it and store it in refrigerator.

14.                      You can label (include date) the jar.

15.                      You can store it for up to 1 year in a cool, dry place.

This jam looks absolutely gorgeous. The ruby-red color is very attractive. You can involve your kids for this preparation. They will definitely enjoy making one jar for themselves.

This Homemade jam tastes better than store-bought.

 Hey Friends! If you like my blogs kindly post your comment below the post and do share your response. Looking forward for some new innovative recipes. Thanks for reading. HAPPY COOKING ! :)

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